Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Button Bracelet

Don't you just love all of the buttons Suzan used to make this.
Here's a picture of me wearing it (ignore the old lady arm).

Yardstick Star

I took five of the yardsticks that had a similar width and laid out a 5 point star.
Once the star was lined up I drilled holes through each point of the star and inserted one of these nuts into the front of each point and screwed the bolt on the back.
Here's the front of one of the points.
And here's the back.
 Here's what your star should look like.
There's one last step I needed to do to the star before it was finished.  I took one small screw and screwed it into one of the areas where the yardsticks cross each other.  This insures that the wood will not shift, causing the star to lose it's shape.
Now the star is ready to be displayed.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Repurposed Keys and Vintage Jewels

I've been having so much fun with the keys and vintage jewels I purchased a few weeks ago at an antique faire.  But, I have this problem when  faced with a mound of repurposing choices.  It's a little like shopping in a huge mall with hundreds of stores, and then walking out without purchasing a thing.  With too many choices, I just end up over thinking the whole thing.  Do you ever have that problem?

I know, I know, too many choices really isn't a problem, but it can be distracting.  My new found solution is to pick out only a few pieces at a time to work on, and then try to keep my eyes off the pile of vintage goodies staring back at me.  I'm much more productive this way.  Focus, focus, focus......

The six of these key necklaces were made with vintage clip on earrings and pieces of rhinestone necklaces.

I added a bit of bling to these tiny 1" keys and their little lock.  The keys
still open the lock.

Three clip on earrings and antiqued filigrees.

Keys, keys, and more keys.

Vintage earrings and chippy old key escutcheons.